The Mantra Which Liberates from the Eight Great Fears
TRIKĀYA སྐུ་གསུམ།
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Manjushri’s Mantra for Increasing Wisdom and Intelligence
Tara’s Mantra Which Protects from the Eight Fears
Shakyamuni Buddha’s Mantra
The Multiplying Mantra
The Dharani-Mantra of Kshitigarbha
The Mantra for Accomplishing All Aims
The Mantra for Having a Pleasant Voice
The Mantra for Totally Pacifying Contagious Diseases
The Mantra for Cutting the Flow of Karmic Obscuration
The Single Seed-Letter of Mañjushrī
The Eight Letters of Mañjushrī
The Mantra Which Purifies the Negative Karma Accumulated in One Thousand Eons
The Mantra for Subduing Maras and Demons
The Mantra for Clearing Away All Obstacles
The Mantra for Attaining the Four Immeasurables
The Mantra for Attaining the Ten Far-Reaching Perfections (The Mantra for Attaining the Ten Paramita
The Mantra for Pacifying Tumors
The Mantra for Accomplishing Activities
The Mantra for Being Released from Bondage