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Japan Poems 3


he rides tired through the narrow forest path in winter snow in expectation of something to come home to something better than a title better than a slave, a diamond

a woman, better than a whore someone who can see the blood and listen to the murder

nurse the wounds and kiss the gash to heal — if not,

then cry as he shuts his eyes

Japan, 2005



back and forth the fan keeps turning watching me as i try to not think about a fan.


her body vibrates with perfume like a plum-blossom eager for earth.

Japan, 2005


these days it’s hard to imagine another these days. now black magic flutters from the top floor.

that salamander with the rainbow body do you think it is trying to outdo the deer?

why talk of fairness — the buck turns around and doesn’t notice as he crushes the last heartbeat of that rainbow salamander…

Japan, 2005


although we could not find the way the deer just kept on being still

although we could not stop the rain i don’t think our hearts were soaked

although we got angry and i called you proud we remain…

although i cannot kill a thing the mosquitos keep on biting

Japan, 2005


i wouldn’t keep on saying it if it didn’t keep on being true.

Japan, 2005


where is the sun rising when we put down our rifles and change our underwear for the last time?

where is the moon going when we drop our presumptions and let the mountains raise themselves from the mist?

Japan, 2005


this kind of thing is happening all over the world — he says and he does not turn away from the bright computer screen.

Japan, 2005


when it was the time when me, myself, had concepts that were in a state of change then after that, at that time, i could become able to see genuine articles.

As for the one who is called me he is a genuine article quite free from muddled concepts

(after the cryptic Engrish on the cover of the Japan-bought notebook I wrote this poem in, which reads:

When I changed concept, I could see genuine articles. A reliable brand selected by those with good taste.)

Japan, 2005


you have the choice to say yes or no to girls walking with their knees together

Japan, 2005


no one to hear your breath as it reverberates inside yr. skull, no one to hear your heart as it flashes in and out of yr. chest, no rest no one to hear it spark up at night and connect with all the nerves, not now not even, this bed this moment no waist for soft reflection –no woman.

Japan, 2005


she and i were distantly bound shooting up separate directions face to face with reflections

discussing whether or not the improbability was there that all sentient beings had a kind of seedling nested somewhere half-covered

primordial, placid, reflective, visibly apprehensible in some facet of substance and vision

bound for somewhere without location

elevator stops and fades.


Japan, 2005


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