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no artifice sticks for so very long.

The life force flows from my

heart, with no ceasing. It

covers all the bases, reaches to every

atom and moment — that is, the

entire universe, in every dimension.

What can I say? Thank you.

I shall not see anything

as separate from me. I listen to

the Friend, and she tells me what

to do; what not to do; how to

listen. The Friend tells me

that I even have to listen to the

clouds. That I even need to feel

the music of the birds outside the


with my real skin,

which stretches everywhere.

Blood surges in and out of my feet

(can you feel it?)

and it’s like the life force is giving

itself a massage.

This pleasure! This pleasure

just in being.

You have to open up.

But real opening up

is just so natural, it’s who you are.



Darjeeling, India


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