Oct 15, 2011Sunlight Blessings That Cure the Longing of Remembrance: A Biography of the Omniscient Khunu MahāsatSunlight Blessings That Cure the Longing of Remembrance:A Biography of the Omniscient Khunu Mahāsattva, Tenzin Gyeltsen [Khunu Lama Rinpoche]By Lamchen Gyalpo RinpocheTranslated from the Tibetan by Erick Tsiknopoulos and Mike DickmanView the PDF by clicking on the link below:Sunlight Blessings That Cure the Longing of Remembrance – PDF #Namthar #SpiritualBiography
Sunlight Blessings That Cure the Longing of Remembrance:A Biography of the Omniscient Khunu Mahāsattva, Tenzin Gyeltsen [Khunu Lama Rinpoche]By Lamchen Gyalpo RinpocheTranslated from the Tibetan by Erick Tsiknopoulos and Mike DickmanView the PDF by clicking on the link below:Sunlight Blessings That Cure the Longing of Remembrance – PDF #Namthar #SpiritualBiography