“The rat is time, the tiger is time too. Living beings are time. Buddhas are time too. This time witnesses the whole world with three heads and eight arms, it witnesses the whole world with the sixteen foot tall golden body.”
Leaves are floating all through space
I go but only through your grace.
The emblems point to directions near
Their colors cast aside all fear.
When thoughts arise they light up rooms
Dissolving in a puff: their timeless tomb.
It is the time to blow off steam
The inner heart must join the team.
The itch of longing calls from all sides
I stretch its edges, but still abides.
She hears my murmur and flies on to
The place that she must soon unscrew.
He pulls his text out from a stem
Divides his petals & gives me them.
Leaves are floating all through space:
I go but only through your grace.
Like the sky, thoughts arise
Like clouds, consciousness does not stay.
Thoughts come forth like the sky:
Consciousness does not abide, like clouds…
Like gold, you must check your own
Thoughts, to see if they are real or not.
Like a bird, you must fly around your own
Consciousness, and find the best
Darjeeling, West Bengal, India