for Nina
The sound of of me offering everything
to you
is the sound of everything
being delighted to be offered to you.
it is the sound a particle of dust makes when
it is grateful.
it is the sound a sheep makes when
it remembers it has a herd.
it is the sound your brain makes when it chews on these words.
remember that sound, and i’ll remember it too.
the way that the butterlamp looked when
i lit it just for you
is the way that
your mother loked when
she first laid eyes on you.
it is the way that your playground friends looked when
they laughed at your silly jokes.
it is the way your God looked when
he listened to your prayers.
and he did:
remember that look, and i’ll remember it too.
the way that my mind felt when
i realized
how beautiful you are
is the way that a catatonic man feels when
he wakes up from his dream.
is the way that a rich man feels when
he sees that he’s been cheap.
is the way that Buddha must have felt when
he knew that it was all worth it:
remember that feeling.
and i’ll remember it too.