The Dhāraṇī of the Yakṣa Maṇibhadra (gnod sbyin nor bu bzang po’i gzungs bzhugs so)
From ‘Compendium of Regular Practices for Names and Dhāraṇīs’ (mtshan-gzungs rgyun-khyer phyogs-bsgrigs)
Extracted from ‘The Treasure Mine of Practice Methods’ (sgrub-thabs rin-chen ‘byung-gnas) by the 7th Panchen Lama, Lobzang Pelden Tenpay Nyima (pan-chen sku-phreng bdun-pa blo-bzang dpal-ldan bstan-pa’i nyi-ma, 1782–1853)
Arranged and published by the Gansu Ethnic Publishing House (kan-su’u mi-rigs dpe-skrun-khang), 1996
Translated from the Tibetan by Erick Tsiknopoulos
NOR-BU’I RIK KYI SANG-NGAK NI The Secret Mantra of the Jewel Family (maṇigotra guhyamantra),
KÜN GYI DAK-POR WANG-KUR-WA Confers empowerment as master of all;
LHA-NAM KÜN GYI-ANG NOR GYI DAK O lord of wealth, even for all gods:
NOR-BU ZANG-PO KHYÖ LA TÖ Maṇibhadra, to you I make praise.
[The Dhāraṇī:]
[Tibetan pronunciation:
Or more commonly:
KHYEY LA TÖ CHING SÖL-WA TAP-PA’Y T’Ü By the power of praising and supplicating you,
DAK SOK GANG-DU NAY-PA’Y SA-CH’OK DÉR In whatever places I and others may dwell,
NAY DANG UL-P’ONG T’AP-TSÖ ZHI-WA DANG Please pacify illness, poverty and conflict;
CH’Ö DANG TRA-SHIY P’EL-WAR DZAY DU SÖL And ensure the flourishing of Dharma and good fortune.
Translated from the Tibetan by Erick Tsiknopoulos, September 12th 2016, in Pokhara, Nepal. Finalized December 29th 2016. Special thanks to Ned Branchi for his work with the Sanskrit and dhāraṇī.