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Mantra& dharani

  1. Ārya Jambhala’s Dhāraṇī for Fully Pacifying All Sheep Sickness

  2. Avalokiteshvara’s Dhāraṇī

  3. Avalokiteshvara’s Mantra Which Subdues All Negative Actions and Obscurations

  4. Buddha Akshobhya’s Dhāraṇī

  5. Manjushri’s Name-Mantra

  6. Manjushri’s Mantra for Increasing Wisdom and Intelligence

  7. Mantra for Benefiting Animals Whose Meat is Eaten

  8. Medicine Buddha’s Dhāraṇī


  10. Shakyamuni Buddha’s Mantra

  11. Tara’s Mantra Which Protects from the Eight Fears

  12. The Blazing Ushnisha Dhāraṇī

  13. The Complete Purification of the Eyes: An Exalted Awareness-Mantra

  14. The Concise Dhāraṇī Ritual for Purifying Offerings

  15. The Demon Dispelling Dhāraṇī of the Thirteen Cakras

  16. The Dhāraṇī for Attaining the Ten Far-Reaching Perfections

  17. The Dhāraṇī for Dispelling Bad Dreams

  18. The Dhāraṇī for Prostrating Before a Sacred Support

  19. The Dhāraṇī for Purifying All Negative Actions and Obscurations

  20. The Dhāraṇī For Purifying Eye Diseases

  21. The Dhāraṇī of Cowherd Vasudhārā

  22. The Dhāraṇī of Enchanting Vasudhārā

  23. The Dhāraṇī of Four-Armed Red Gaṇapati

  24. The Dhāraṇī of Four-Armed White Gaṇapati from the Tradition of the Jowo [Atiśa Dīpaṃkara Śrījñāna]

  25. The Dhāraṇī of Ganapati’s Monkey Emanation

  26. The Dhāraṇī of Jeweled-Ushnisha Buddha

  27. The Dhāraṇī of Lapis Light that Generates the Power of the Tathāgata’s Samādhi [The Concise Medicine Buddha Sūtra]

  28. The Dhāraṇī of the Four Great Kings

  29. The Dhāraṇī of the Noble Maṇibhadra

  30. The Dhāraṇī of the Three Protectors of Beings

  31. The Dhāraṇī of the Yakṣa Maṇibhadra

  32. The Dhāraṇī of Vasudhārā, the Goddess Arisen from Dhāraṇī

  33. The Dhāraṇī of Yellow Jambhala from the Guhyāsamaja

  34. The Dhāraṇī of Yellow Jambhala’s Chief Form

  35. The Dhāraṇī Which Heightens the Powers of Virtuous Activities

  36. The Dhāraṇī-Mantra of Kshitigarbha

  37. The Dhāraṇīs for Attaining the Four Immeasurables

  38. The Dhāraṇī of the Lord of Secrets, Vajrapāṇi

  39. The Eight Letters of Mañjushrī

  40. The Essence of Ganapati, the Lord of Gatherings

  41. The Essence of the Six Far-Reaching Perfections Dhāraṇī (The Essence of the Six Paramitas Dhāraṇī)

  42. The Exalted Ganapati’s Heart-Dhāraṇī

  43. The Exalted Mantra for Not Being Harmed by Epidemics and Animals

  44. The Exalted Mantra Which Dispels Obstructing Force

  45. The Extremely Secret Mantra of the Vast Celestial Palace of Jewels

  46. The Heart-Essence Mantra of Amitayus

  47. The Homage to the Tathāgata Śākyamuni

  48. The Homage to the Buddhas Who Hold the Vase of Life

  49. The Homage to the Tathāgata Akṣobhya [Immovable One]

  50. The Homage to the Tathāgata Utterly Pure Mandala of the Moon

  51. The Incantation of Gaṇapati’s Monkey Emanation: A Dhāraṇī of the Lord of Gatherings

  52. The Increasing Mantra

  53. The King of Samadhi Sūtra Dhāraṇī

  54. The Mantra for Accomplishing Activities

  55. The Mantra for Accomplishing All Aims

  56. The Mantra for Attaining the Four Immeasurables

  57. The Mantra for Attaining the Ten Far-Reaching Perfections (The Mantra for Attaining the Ten Paramitas)

  58. The Mantra for Being Attractive

  59. The Mantra for Being Released from Bondage

  60. The Mantra for Circumambulating Representations of the Three Jewels

  61. The Mantra for Clearing Away All Obstacles

  62. The Mantra for Cutting the Flow of Karmic Obscuration

  63. The Mantra for Frightening Maras and Demons

  64. The Mantra for Fully Pacifying All Sickness

  65. The Mantra for Generating Transcendent Insight 1

  66. The Mantra for Generating Transcendent Insight 2

  67. The Mantra for Generating Transcendent Insight 3

  68. The Mantra for Having a Pleasant Voice

  69. The Mantra for Non-Forgetfulness

  70. The Mantra for Obtaining 100 Garments

  71. The Mantra for Pacifying All Negative Actions

  72. The Mantra for Pacifying All Poison

  73. The Mantra for Pacifying Anger

  74. The Mantra for Pacifying Hemorrhoids

  75. The Mantra for Pacifying Poxes

  76. The Mantra for Pacifying Sicknesses of Indigestion

  77. The Mantra for Pacifying the Afflictions of Fire

  78. The Mantra for Pacifying Tumors

  79. The Mantra for Retaining What Is Heard

  80. The Mantra for Self-Protection

  81. The Mantra for Subduing Maras and Demons

  82. The Mantra for the Complete Purification of Offerings

  83. The Mantra for Totally Pacifying Contagious Diseases

  84. The Mantra for Totally Pacifying Eye Diseases

  85. The Mantra for Totally Pacifying Rage

  86. The Mantra of the Promise Made by Maitreya

  87. The Mantra Which Fully Purifies All the Lower Realms

  88. The Mantra Which Generates Transcendent Insight

  89. The Mantra Which Liberates from the Eight Great Fears

  90. The Mantra Which Purifies the Negative Karma Accumulated in One Thousand Eons

  91. The Multiplying Mantra

  92. The Name-Dhāraṇī of Je Tsongkhapa

  93. The Name-Recitation of Medicine Buddha

  94. The Name-Recitation of the Protector Amitābha

  95. The Outer Essence of the Tathāgata

  96. The Practice of the Dhāraṇī for Expanding Intellect

  97. The Practice of the Noble Dhāraṇī of Immeasurable Longevity and Wisdom

  98. The Prostration Mantra

  99. The Sacred Name of Kṣitigarbha 

  100. The Single Seed-Letter of Mañjuśrī

  101. The Six-Syllable Dhāraṇī of Avalokiteshvara: The Practice from Jowo Atīsha’s Tradition

  102. The Vasudhārā Dhāraṇī from the Tradition of Jamari

  103. The Innermost Essence of the Noble Mañjuśrī’s Tantra (Mañjuśrī-nāma-saṃgīti), A Treasure Teaching (gTerma) of Guru Chöwang, Chökyi Wangchuk

  104. The Dhāraṇī for Seeing Dreams (of Vajrapāṇi)

  105. The Dhāraṇī of the Yakṣa Jambhala Śrī

  106. The Innermost Heart-Essence of the Noble Mayūri, the Queen of Knowledge Mantras

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