Ārya Jambhala’s Dhāraṇī for Fully Pacifying All Sheep Sickness
Avalokiteshvara’s Mantra Which Subdues All Negative Actions and Obscurations
The Complete Purification of the Eyes: An Exalted Awareness-Mantra
The Dhāraṇī for Purifying All Negative Actions and Obscurations
The Dhāraṇī of Four-Armed White Gaṇapati from the Tradition of the Jowo [Atiśa Dīpaṃkara Śrījñāna]
The Dhāraṇī Which Heightens the Powers of Virtuous Activities
The Essence of the Six Far-Reaching Perfections Dhāraṇī (The Essence of the Six Paramitas Dhāraṇī)
The Exalted Mantra for Not Being Harmed by Epidemics and Animals
The Extremely Secret Mantra of the Vast Celestial Palace of Jewels
The Homage to the Tathāgata Utterly Pure Mandala of the Moon
The Incantation of Gaṇapati’s Monkey Emanation: A Dhāraṇī of the Lord of Gatherings
The Mantra for Circumambulating Representations of the Three Jewels
The Mantra Which Purifies the Negative Karma Accumulated in One Thousand Eons
The Practice of the Noble Dhāraṇī of Immeasurable Longevity and Wisdom
The Six-Syllable Dhāraṇī of Avalokiteshvara: The Practice from Jowo Atīsha’s Tradition
The Innermost Heart-Essence of the Noble Mayūri, the Queen of Knowledge Mantras
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