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The Teaching on the Signs that the Common Preliminaries Have Entered One’s Mindstream

The Teaching on the Signs that the Common Preliminaries Have Entered One’s Mindstream

By Nyala Pema Duddul


As for the Teaching on the Signs that the Common Preliminaries Have Entered One’s Mindstream:

If you can dedicate your own body to the practice, without feeling a loss,

Then that is the sign of having taking the essence of the supremely precious freedoms and advantages.

If you can view gold and dirt with equanimity and see them to be equal,

Then that is the sign of the illusoriness of impermanent things having been born in one’s mindstream.

If you can see all the phenomena of samsara as enemies,

Then that is the sign of going to the far shore of the ocean of suffering.

If you can be meticulous about actions and results, and the virtue and negativity to be adopted and abandoned,

Then that is the sign of having conjoined with the short path that ascends the staircase to liberation.

If you can purify the negative actions, obscurations, and habitual tendencies of the three doors,

Then that is the sign of having closed off the doors to rebirth in samsara’s lower realms.

If you can carry the Three Jewels inseparable from your mind,

Then that is the sign of having grasped the iron hook of the Supreme Protectors’ great compassion.

If you can integrate emptiness and compassion with your mindstream,

Then that is the sign of joining phenomena with the essence of awakening.

If you can meditate on all beings as being of the nature of one’s parents,

Then that is the sign of the arising of the sun-moon mandala of the Great Vehicle.

If you can clear away the obscurations of unawareness and mental darkness,

Then that is the sign of the dawning of clear light within stainless space.

If you can apply yourself to the path of the ongoing two accumulations,

Then that is the sign of the maturing of the result, the kayas and pristine wisdoms.

If you can see the world of all appearances and possibilities manifesting in utter purity as the Guru,

Then that is the sign of having gone to the peak of the yoga of Great Perfection.

If you can recognize the Vajrakaya of unimpeded immediate awareness,

Then that is the sign of transference into the basic space of beginningless primordial purity.

If you can recognize the Three Kayas and immediate awareness as being a seamless unity,

Then that is the sign of ripening the fruit: Kuntuzangpo.

And so, this summary of the signs of the preliminaries having entered one’s mindstream

In response to the oft-repeated requests of the assembly of disciples

Was arranged by the old beggar named Duddul.

Through this virtue, may all wanderers be ripened and liberated!

Translated by Erick Sherab Zangpo.

The Energy for June 9, 2014 Neptune Retrograde - Gaia Blooming


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